Make an Appointment: (803) 673-9096 |   [email protected]

  • My Services

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    Counseling for Anxiety

    Does it feel like anxiety is taking over your life? Does it seem like you can’t control it no matter how hard you try?

    If this sounds like you, I hope you will reach out for the help you need. You do not have to struggle alone. Effective help and tools are available.

    Counseling for Trauma

    Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s a car accident, abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to the violence of war, or a natural disaster.

    Often we recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency; yet, at other times, trauma may cause deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or post-traumatic stress far after the event has passed. At these times, therapy is necessary to aid in recovery.


    Couples Counseling

    Do you feel like your relationship is at a standstill? Are you and your partner stuck in the same argument loop every night? Do you feel like you and your partner are drifting away? Do you desire more intimacy between you and your partner?

    Often, things can be improved, changed and bettered, with just a little support. With couples therapy, you’ll learn how to communicate your feelings and needs, and get what you want out of your relationship.

    Give me a call to discuss if couples counseling is the right choice in your relationship, or if individual sessions are more appropriate in your situation.


    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from different treatment approaches. EMDR therapy is an integrative psychotherapy and uses a technique called bilateral stimulation to repeatedly activate opposite sides of the brain. Therapists often use eye movements to facilitate the bilateral stimulation. These eye movements mimic the period of sleep referred to as rapid eye movement or REM sleep, and this portion of sleep is frequently considered to be the time when the mind processes the recent events in the person’s life.

    Grief & Bereavement Counseling

    Bereavement and grief aren’t light-hearted topics. Bereavement refers to the process of recovering from the death of a loved one, and grief is a reaction for any form of loss. Both encompass a wide range of emotions such as fear, anger and deep, deep sadness. The process of adapting to a loss can dramatically change from person to person, depending on his or her background, beliefs, relationship to the person who’s passed, and other factors. Common symptoms of grief can be physical, emotional or social. Every grieving experience is different. Whatever your personal symptoms are, grief and bereavement counseling have been proven to help.


    Telehealth provides counseling to clients via live video conferencing. This can be done anywhere you have a computer or smartphone and a private space.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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